Thursday, February 18, 2010


Why would anyone be interested in viewing the Web site that your team is developing?
-People with be interested in our website because we will make it fun and easy.

Who are the possible customers for the site?
-People who are interested in the subject we will make our website about!

How many pages are going to be necessary to complete the Web site your client wants?
-About 4 to 5 pages. maybe 6 or more. (Depends)

Based on the number of pages, what sort of navigational structure would work well for the site?
-We will have many links on every page. There will be a HOME link on every page. So you wouldn't have to keep going BACK!

How can this design be shown using a site map and storyboard?
-I'm going to draw out on a story board before we start our site.


Mission that you are working on
-My partner and I are working on Mission 1.

Header for the Homepage of your NASA website

Header for each additional page of the website


Title for each page
-NASA (flight control)
filename (include file ending) - index.html

Title for each page -Space
filename (include file ending) -space.html

Title for each page -Missions
filename (include file ending)

Title for each page -Responsibility
filename (include file ending) -responsibility.html

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

NASA Space Exploration

Mission 1: Design a Web Site for NASA!
-Is where my partner and I will make a website to influece students to be flight controllers for NASA!
-The International Space Station (ISS) is a large, inhabited satellite that more than 15 nations are building in space; it will function as an observatory, laboratory, and workshop. The ISS orbits earth at an altitude of about 250 miles.
-The ISS is great for discovery of planets and aliens! For students who are very into it!

Mission 2: Communicate How the International Space Station (ISS) Benefits all People!
How has life on earth been improved by the amazing discoveries or inventions from NASA?

-Life on earth has been improved buy NASA like finding life on mars and discoverimg new planets.

What research at NASA led to the development of modern technological wonders?
-NASA has built a space station nearm people. so that people can live and research!

How might the current technology on the ISS be employed to impact our lives even more?

-Lets say that if the world end, Like 2010 (which i believe wont happen, Butwho knows?) well NSAS will have the technology to find a new planet maybe.

What new experiments would you like to see on the ISS that could lead to future innovations?

-Finding new planets!

How could the ISS best be used as a test bed for future deep-space exploration?

-New Discoveries

My partner and I are going to make a website on how to Communicate How the International Space Station Benefits All People!

To start off our website we will research these...

Smoke detectors
Fire-resistant material
Weather forecasting
Solar power
Forest management
Cancer detection
Pain control
Plasma televisions
Temperature control for athletes
Swimming pool purification
Golf ball aerodynamics
Acne treatments
Enriched baby food
Air Traffic control systems
Wireless communications
Computer simulations
Aviation design, navigation, and safety
Improve food production
Instruments to probe the origins of the Universe
Experimental rocket engine which could enable deep space missions

We will work on the 3rd topic!
The International Space Station needs you! There’s a career for every interest, talent, and passion on the ISS.

Whcic would help people with getting better jobs in this line of work! :)
Why would anyone be interested in viewing the Web site that your team is developing?
-People with be interested in our website because we will make it fun and easy.

Who are the possible customers for the site?
-People who are interested in the subject we will make our website about!

How many pages are going to be necessary to complete the Web site your client wants?
-About 4 to 5 pages. maybe 6 or more. (Depends)

Based on the number of pages, what sort of navigational structure would work well for the site?
-We will have many links on every page. There will be a HOME link on every page. So you wouldn't have to keep going BACK!

How can this design be shown using a site map and storyboard?
-I'm going to draw out on a story board before we start our site.
Mission that you are working on

-My partner and I are working on Mission 1.

Header for the Homepage of your NASA website
-HOME! Header for each additional page of the website -Home -Space -Missions -Responsibility

Title for each page -NASA (flight control) filename (include file ending) - index.html

Title for each page -Space filename (include file ending) -space.html

Title for each page -Missions filename (include file ending) -missions.html

Title for each page -Responsibility filename (include file ending) -responsibility.html

Define what a dynamic template is....
a). What is the file ending?
b). Are you using a banner?
c). Navigation?
d). Content

Monday, February 8, 2010

Heavy Metal

The goals of this tutorial are to teach you the basics of using Microsoft Expression Web
ant to guide you in building creative, dynamic Web sites from scratch with the designtools
that IT perfessinals use.

Exercise 1:
Creating a New Web site
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 6) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. ((pg. 9) time__________ date_________

Exercise 2: Creating Page Layouts with Layers
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 12) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 14) time__________ date_________
Task 3 is complete. (pg.17) time__________ date_________
Task 4 is complete. (pg. 22) time__________ date_________

Exercise 3: Styling Your Web site Using CSS
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 24) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 25) time__________ date_________
Task 3 is complete. (pg. 30) time__________ date_________
Task 4 is complete. ((pg. 32) time__________ date_________

Exercise 4: Creating More Pages
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 36) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 44) time__________ date_________
Task 3 is complete. (pg. 45) time__________ date_________
Task 4 is complete. (pg. 49) time__________ date_________

Exercise 5: Adding Navigation Controls to your Site
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 51) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 54) time__________ date_________
Task 3 is complete. (pg. 60) time__________ date_________

Discuss two similarities and two differences between Expression Web and Dreamweaver.
-The two similarities are that both use adobie. and both are very complicated.
-The two differences are Dreamweaver is more complex then Expression.

List at least two challenges you have had using Expression Web. After you have listed them, go to the HELP menu item and try searching for them. Either provide a solution to your problem, or let me know what you searched for and what the answer was.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

1.What type of file can be modified in Flash CS3?-An FLA file is the raw editible file in Flash design.

2. What is the national standard for American television video broadcast?- It is the U.S. Video Standard is NTSC (National Television System Committee).

3. What part of the Flash interface displays the movie you are working on?-The stage displays the movie that you are working on.

4. You need to turn these on BEFORE you can use guides.-Right click on the graphic label and select Add Motion Guide from the window that pops up. ( the pop up window)

5. What is the gray area surrounding the Stage in Flash CS3?-The work area surrounds the stage.

6. What is the magnetic pull of objects to a grid?-The objects snap to the grid set up by flash.

7. What is the default frame rate for Web playback in Flash CS3?-12 fps is the default framerate.

8. What is exporting your final Flash CS3 file called?-The final file type should be or is SWF.

9.Designing for the Web is normally measured in what unit of measure?-The web is measured only in pixels.

10. What are palettes in Flash CS3 called?-Flash uses panels only instead of palettes.

Monday, January 11, 2010

  • 1.The cars has an antena in the top pic.
    2.The dog is moved over
    3.The guys hat is diffrent.
    4.The bus stop is diffrent.
    5.The poster on the tree.
  • 6.The guys cout has no patern.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Setting up the site!
  1. First you learn about Dreamweaver sites! i dreanweaver the word "site" can refer to a website or a storage location.
  2. Second you set up your priject foldes.

Creating A New Document!

  1. Start by clickin the file menu.
  2. Select New.
  3. Dreamweaver now will show the new document dialog box with a blank page category selection.
  4. here you can creat a new page.
  5. The first collum you can choose the type of page you want to make.
  6. Now you will select the 2 collum elastic, left sidebar, header and footer layout.
  7. otice that the layout is now previewed.

Setting page properties!

  1. Start by choosing modify > page preoperties.
  2. Click on the size.
  3. Then choose small.
  4. Nexy if you click on the background color box you will enert a code for a color.
  5. Choose the links category on the left side.
  6. If you click on the link colore text field. Enter a link color key. And if you click on the rollover links Enter you color key.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hocus Focus

The plant in the background it not in the bottom picture.
The lamp outside out side is not in the bottom picture.
The lady's cout.. has something on the sleave in the top picture and nothing on the bottom.
The little boys hat is faceing backword in the top picture and it's faceing frontword in the bottom picture.
The man is holding something in his hand in the top picture and not the bottom.
The lady's collar is fater in the bottom picture then it is in the top picture.
How would this activity help you as an HTML programmer? I don't think it did help me.
Check your work.... I checked it already.
How many differences did you discover? Six.
Do you see these differences once they were pointed out to you? Yes i did.
Discuss what you can do to write better code in the future.
Save your BLOG post and publish.